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The Mole Agent Review


Certificate: PG

Running time: 84 minutes 

Starring: Sergio Chamy, Romulo Aitken, Marta Olivares

Directed by: Maite Alberdi 

The story: In Chile, a private investigator hires an elderly man to act as an undercover mole at a retirement home where a client of his suspects that her mother is bring mistreated.

The verdict: When this film first begins, it has the look and feel of a spoof noir, and truthfully I wasn’t sure that I was going to like it. 

However, The Mole Agent slowly changes into an entirely different film and that film is a film that I think everyone should see. 

As Sergio settles into his role as the mole, he meets the retirement home’s other residents and as he gets to know them so does the audience. We are introduced to an amazing group of people, all characters in their own way, and all with fascinating stories. 

Soon it becomes clear that this undercover investigation is going to uncover something quite unexpected.

I ended up really liking The Mole Agent. What begins as a slightly quirky and noir like film transforms into a poignant study of life, love and loneliness. It raises all kinds of thought provoking issues, from how we treat our families to growing old and what that means. 

By the time that the credits started to roll, I realised that I had tears running down my cheeks. This film will make you immediately want to call up your family and tell them how much you love them. 

The rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
