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Archive Review


Certificate: 15

Running time: 109 minutes 

Starring: Theo James, Stacy Martin, Rhona Mitra, Toby Jones

Directed by: Gavin Rothery 

The story: It’s 2038 and in a remote location, George Almore is working on an Artificial Intelligence prototype but the goal behind his project must be kept hidden at all costs. 

The verdict: This is a really interesting film and one which doesn’t feel easy to review. Firstly, because in so many ways Archive reminds me of a dozen other films - Ex Machina, Moon and Silent Running just to name a few. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but I always feel that whilst watching a film, you only want to be thinking about that film and not spending the running time comparing it to similar films. 

The standout of Archive is the production and set design. The solitary facility where George works is a sight to behold and immediately pulls the audience into a futuristic and dystopian world. Director Gavin Rothery comes from the art department world and this is evident in every frame and where the film shone.

Archive wasn’t an easy film to get into for me, it felt a bit sterile and there are a lot of plot points to get your head around. It also doesn’t help that there is something inherently sexist about Archive and the way females are portrayed feels a bit basic to be frank.

That all being said, I did find Archive intriguing throughout and I was eager to see where the story would go. When it came to the ending, it was definitely a shock moment. I didn’t guess what was going to happen and it completely changed my opinion of the film because it was impactful and left me thinking about the film for a long time afterwards.

I did end up liking Archive but I felt that perhaps it would’ve worked better overall as something like a Black Mirror episode. However, it’s definitely worth checking out for sci-fi fans. 

The rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️ and a half.
