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Spontaneous Review

Certificate: 15

Running time: 97 minutes

Starring: Katherine Langford, Charlie Plummer, Piper Perabo

Directed by: Brian Duffield

The story: When their classmates begin to inexplicably self combust, seniors Mara and Dylan decide to try and live each minute as if it is their last.

The verdict: I was unaware before watching this that it is based upon the novel of the same name by Aaron Starmer, and after watching it I will definitely seek out the book because Spontaneous is one of the most unique and original teen films that I have ever seen.

Part sci-fi, part black comedy, part horror, part romance - Spontaneous brings together a number of genres. This could have easily made Spontaneous a muddled mess but somehow this blend of genres works really well together, capturing all the emotions of being a teenager and indeed of life.

Katherine Langford and Charlie Plummer, both young actors whose work I really enjoy, are both great in this. I loved both of their characters and I thought that they had brilliant chemistry together. I was invested in them and rooting for them throughout.

Spontaneous is a quirky, clever film that works as an allegory on many levels. There have been lots of films that explore the premise of living life to the full and living each day as your last, but few have done it with as much heart and individuality as Spontaneous.

Spontaneous made me laugh, it made me cry and I was engaged in it throughout. I have already watched it twice in less than twenty-four hours and I would watch it again. Plus, it has possibly one of the funniest responses to Trump that I have seen - a one liner that had me in hysterics.

The rating: ★★★★ and a half
